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November 2017

Two fictional posters of the German railway company Deutsche Bahn.

These two posters were made for the laboratory week at my University.
In this week we have to choose from a variety of workshops offering something for every course and student.

Purpose of this week is to distract the students from the ongoing stress and their projects since professors aren't allowed to have deadlines for that week and there aren't any normal classes as well!
Another highlight is that you don't get to have your normal professors for the workshops but instead the University makes a huge effort to gather top-class professors and lecturers from all parts of the industry.

My workshop and posters:
The workshop I got in was called "Ethics on Aesthetics – poster workshop" (Ethik zur Ästhetik – Plakatworkshop), it was held by Marc Engenhart and was about breaking design rules, making something new and testing out the limits of society.
To make this easier for us he introduced us to the philosphy and culture of the Japanese "Wabi Sabi", Kire and Kintsugi.

The first poster shows two iPhones with the Snapchat UI, the left one is from a train user, sending a snap to the Deutsche Bahn, saying "thanks DB....." since the person is annoyed about the train not moving in any direction again, while the other iPhone shows a snap being send from the Deutsche Bahn to "You" saying "We'll take care of it!".
At the bottom of the poster is written again "We'll take care of it!" in the corporate typeface of the DB.

The second poster shows an artwork I made entirely in Snapchat and using only the given tools there.
In the center of the poster says "Monday morning in the train. The train ahead of us is having problems. Half hour delay. Great."

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