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January 2018

Group project with Franziska, Isabel, Phil, Simone and
Prof. Dr. Georg Kneer.

A fictional advertising film for the company elta Germany about a water heater.

The task was to make a movie. One guideline was to shoot an image or product film. It could be about a company or a product, the product could also be invented. As a second specification, there was the length of the film, it should be around 3 minutes long. In general, a very free task. "Let your creativity run free!", the lecturer said, it was important though that we used the camera techniques we learned in class before.

After researching a bit and discussing possible ideas, we decided to go with the water heater idea.
We immediately showed it to our lecturer after completing the storyboard and he loved it! He gave us his blessing to go start making the movie, but he also told us that the movie might not be shown on the semester exhibition since the movie was kind of too funny and not serious enough for our University and that there already have been similar projects which didn't make it to the exhibition.
To avoid this and have like "the ultimate blessing" we went to the headmasters office and asked him if he wanted to play in our movie. He told us that he would have loved to have a role but sadly didn't have any free time.
So we asked another, very popular person at our University to join our movie.
The professor and doctor for sociology Georg Kneer. He has been at our University for years and gives lectures for psychology and sociology to the first, second and third semester. He also accompanies a lot of Bachelor and Master projects.
Nothin could go wrong with him on our team.
In the end the movie was a great hit. The lecturer liked it a lot, our fellow students enjoyed it, our special guest had a good laugh watching it and the movie made it to the exhibition.

All in all a great success for all of us.
I hope you enjoy it as well!

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