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February 2018

Group project with Franziska and Isabel.

A book concept telling the story and making comparisons of the Korean Peninsula.

At the beginning of the semester we were told that our main task would be to design a book concept.

We were not able to choose our own topics to make the book concept about, but instead were given a few possibilities to choose from:
- Flying
- Breathing
- Forest
- Korea
- Water.

As you can probably already guess from the title of our book
"Two Koreas –
One History"
we wanted and in the end also made our book concept about the history that unites and also parts the Korean people.

The concept came from the circumstances back then, because at the time there were a lot of lies and ambiguities flying around and nobody really (at least in our surroundings) knew anything about Korea and its long history.

With our book concept we wanted to neutrally look at the peninsula, give facts, tell the story of the (two) countries and fight against that lack of clarity in society which is only paying attention to North Korea and its dictator.

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